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Experience Professional Gun-Cleaning & Lubrication




At Frogman Tactical, we understand the unique demands of military training and combat environments. That's why we've developed Tier Three, a gun cleaner and lubricant specifically designed to meet the highest standards of Navy SEALs and other elite forces.




The SEAL Of Approval!



Before releasing Tier Three to the civilian market, we put it to the ultimate test. Tier Three was sent to active-duty SEALs for testing and evaluation, and it passed with flying colors. No issues. No compromises.




Why Choose Tier Three?



Here are some key features that make Tier Three the ultimate gun cleaning solution:



  • 100% American Made

  • Navy SEAL tested in training and combat

  • Used by active duty Special Forces since 2019

  • Environmental friendly

  • Highest ingredients used in production

  • Non toxic

  • Multiple melting points

  • Sub-zero operational temps

  • Smoke point 525 degrees

  • Extremely strong and requires very little lube

  • Penetrates microscopic cracks in metals to provide maximum protection and lubrication

  • Ingredients are moleculary bonded. No need to shake ever!

  • Wipe clean an re apply application

  • No external cleaners needed

  • Portion of your purchase goes to feed, cloth, home, and build, for those in need.

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